Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


CHILDREN IN RSS uniform holding swords before the start of Vijayadasami functions on October 2

Fomenting riots

The RSS has been censured for its involvement in communal riots in at least six reports by Judges who presided over commissions of inquiry; to
wit, the Jaganmohan Reddy report on the Ahmedabad riots 1969;
the D.P. Madon report on the Bhiwandi riots in 1970;
the Vithayathil report on the Tellicherry riots in 1971;
the Jitendra Narain report on the Jamshedpur riots in 1979;
the P. Venugopal report on the Kanyakumari riots of 1982; and
the report on the Bhagalpur riots in 1989.

But the most damning exposure was made by a civil servant of sterling integrity and courage, Rajeshwar Dayal, who rose to become Foreign Secretary. He was Chief Secretary of the United Provinces (Uttar Pradesh, now) at the time of Partition. It bears quotation in extenso: "I must record an episode of a very grave nature when the procrastination and indecision of the U.P. Cabinet led to dire consequences. When communal tension was still at fever-pitch, the Deputy Inspector-General of Police of the Western Range, a very seasoned and capable Officer, B.B.L. Jaitley, arrived at my house in great secrecy. He was accompanied by two of his officers who brought with them two large steel trunks securely locked. When the trunks were opened, they revealed incontrovertible evidence of a dastardly conspiracy to create a communal holocaust throughout the western districts of the province. The trunks were crammed with blueprints of great accuracy and professionalism of every town and village in that vast area, prominently marking out the Muslim localities and habitations. There were also detailed instructions regarding access to the various locations, and other matters which amply revealed their sinister purport.

"Greatly alarmed by those revelations, I immediately took the police party to the Premier's [Govind Ballabh Pant] house. There, in a closed room, Jaitley gave a full report of his discovery, backed by all the evidence contained in the steel trunks. Timely raids conducted on the premises of the RSS had brought the massive conspiracy to light. The whole plot had been concerted under the direction and supervision of the supremo of the organisation himself [M.S. Golwalkar]. Both Jaitley and I pressed for the immediate arrest of the prime accused, Shri Golwalkar, who was still in the area.
"Pantji could not but accept the evidence of his eyes and ears and expressed deep concern. But instead of agreeing to the immediate arrest of the ring leader as we had hoped, and as Rafi Ahmed Kidwai would have done, he asked for the matter to be placed for consideration by the Cabinet at its next meeting. It was no doubt a matter of political delicacy as the roots of the RSS had gone deep into the body politic. There were also other political compulsions as RSS sympathisers, both covert and overt, were to be found in the Congress party itself and even in the Cabinet. It was no secret that the presiding officer of the Upper House, Atma Govind Kher, was himself an adherent and his sons were openly members of the RSS.

"At the Cabinet meeting there was the usual procrastination and much irrelevant talk. The fact that the police had unearthed a conspiracy which would have set the whole province in flames and that the officers concerned deserved warm commendation hardly seemed to figure in the discussion. What ultimately emerged was that a letter should be issued to Shri Golwalkar pointing out the contents and nature of the evidence which had been gathered and demanding an explanation thereof. At my insistence, such a letter if it were to be sent, should be issued by the Premier himself to carry greater weight. Pantji asked me to prepare a draft, which I did in imitation of his own characteristic style. The letter was to be delivered forthwith and two police officers were assigned for the purpose.
"Golwalkar, however, had been tipped off and he was nowhere to be found in the area. He was tracked down southwards but he managed to elude the couriers in pursuit. This infructuous chase continued from place to place and weeks passed.
"Came January 30, 1948 when the Mahatma, that supreme apostle of peace, fell to a bullet fired by an RSS fanatic. The whole tragic episode left me sick at heart" (A Life of Our Times by Rajeshwar Dayal; Orient Longman; pages 93-94). It was this very G.B. Pant who deftly avoided removal of idols from the Babri Masjid in December 1949 flouting Nehru's wishes.


Sunday, October 22, 2006



Saturday, October 21, 2006

Will Nonviolent Resistance Work for the Palestinians?

Before departing to Belgium to seek justice for the victims and survivors of the Sabra and Shatilla massacre in West Beirut in 1982, Suad Srour told reporters, "I am going to Brussels on behalf of a whole people. I hope that (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon is hanged for what he did." Saud’s words were by no means an indication of a violent personality. They were indeed a natural response to an experience that cost the Palestinian girl everything she held dear.
Saud’s experience is one of those that many of us find unbearable to hear. She was only 14 when Phalange troops, under Israeli army command, broke into her impoverished home in the Shatilla refugee camp in West Beirut. They butchered her entire family and raped her in front of her father. The man died, and that scene was his last glimpse of life. Once finished with their mission to "mop up" alleged terrorists that Sharon claimed to be harbored in the camps, they shot Suad. But she didn’t die; she rose from the ashes with others to narrate a massacre that shall daunt the world’s conscience forever.

The camps’ massacre in West Beirut is one of dozens of massacres carried out by Israel against defenseless and unarmed civilians, starting with Deir Yassin, Tantura, Beit Daras, passing through Qbyia, the murder of Egyptian war prisoners, Bureij, Qana and many others.

These atrocities came and went like a summer storm, their victims buried or "disappeared" and details forgotten. Some were entirely dropped from history books. I was dismayed when I realized that after months of research (that I and a colleague have conducted while writing a book, which we hope to publish soon) dealing with Sharon’s war crimes, I found that dozens of massacres were hardly mentioned or even referred to as "massacres" despite their gruesome nature and horrific details, where innocents were collectively butchered.

Throughout most of these massacres, not one hand was lifted to defend the innocents who were killed, as if their lives were of no value. The typical argument presented by Israel, once the carnage was made public, was that Israel is not the one to blame for the loss of civilian lives, for it was the fault of the "terrorists" who sought shelter in civilians homes, forcing Israeli to "retaliate" and mistakenly kill civilians.

Some eyewitness to the massacres of Sabra and Shatilla indicated that yes, indeed there were armed Palestinian individuals in the camps during the massacre: small groups of children, aged 9 and 10 who attempted to provide a safe exit for their mothers, sisters and elder family members who sought safety outside the camp or near a hospital. The children took that role after the departure of all Palestinian fighters who left the city after American envoy Philip Habib promised that the US would provide needed protection for the camps.

This history is of great importance, not because it reminds us of the vile face of Israel and its war generals, but because it comes in a time when there is growing enthusiasm regarding "other forms of resistance" that use nonviolent means.

Some, including intellectuals known for their strong support for Palestinian rights, say that violence is a costly method of resistance in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict scenario. For one, it provides Israel with the needed pretext to escalate its organized campaign of violence in the West Bank and Gaza. To prove their point, they bring up past experiences of Mahatma Gandhi in India and Martin Luther King of the United States. One renowned scholar called on Palestinians to take to the streets and form a human chain to surround Israel’s illegal Jewish settlements, forcing the settlers to leave, once cut off from life outside.

Apparently there is a lack of understanding regarding the nature of the Israeli occupation, and a failure to grasp the causes of violence. There is also a lack of notion to differentiate between senseless violence and sensible violence.

Demanding Palestinians to resort to nonviolent means of resistance is a miscalculated move, to say the least, for it indicates that violence for Palestinians is a strategic choice. The Palestinian individual is not born holding a rock or a machine gun. It is the persistent injustice and the people’s rejection of such injustice that compels Palestinians to resist. The nature of the resistance, its magnitude and duration, is often controlled by the behavior and response of the enemy, its brutality and inhumanity.

For example, the Palestinian uprising began with symbolic acts of rejection to the Israeli military occupation: chants, graffiti, waving fists and strikes, large rallies and rock throwing, (which are of course not enough to repel the fourth strongest army in the world.) The Israeli army which dealt with Palestinian youth and children as if they were well-trained and all geared-up first class soldiers, forced Palestinians to upgrade the level of their resistance, this time not to send symbolic messages anymore but to in fact defend their families, homes, towns and villages.

And how can we propose a human chain to circle Israeli settlements if Israeli settlers have deliberately and repeatedly run over Palestinians with their cars, killing and severely wounding scores of them? The factor which forced Palestinian children to carry tank propellers in Lebanon was the inherited desire to defend one’s family and community, not mere violence for the sake of violence. Indeed, the massacre of Sabra and Shatilla came in a time when Palestinians agreed to leave the camps, hoping to spare the lives of the refugees who were targeted and killed by Israel throughout its invasion of Lebanon. Palestinians were therefore killed whether they resisted or yielded.

Nonviolence as an alternative method of resistance is doomed for failure, although theoretically noble and ideal. The savagery of the enemy is what in fact determines the level of resistance. Nonviolence has great chances of success in parts of the world where human rights are treasured and an individual is valued and revered. But in the land occupied by Israel, where children are killed while seeking shelter by their fathers, and where homes are bombarded and bulldozed with inhabitants still inside, and where soldiers often shoot at anything and everything for sport, the rules are different. It would then be unfair and irrational to stop a child who is throwing rocks at a bulldozer while it tears down his house. It would be preposterous to stop a man with a rifle attempting to halt a row of tanks progressing toward his village, demanding that he seek a nonviolent option to halt the bulldozer or the advancing tanks.

Malcolm X once said, "we declare our right on this earth, to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being, in this society, on this earth, on this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary." Palestinians too declared such rights and vowed to achieve them by any means necessary. Malcolm X was too gunned down, but his words have shaped history.

Ramzy Baroud

MURDER OF KHAJA YUNUS BY MUMBAI POLICE-------Court orders DGP to act in Khwaja Yunus case

*Yunus was arrested in Ghatkopar bomb blasts case
*Policemen involved in disappearance of Yunus
*CID sought Pasricha's approval for filing charge sheet against 14 policemen

MUMBAI: A Division Bench of the Bombay High Court on Friday ordered the Maharashtra Director-General of Police P.S. Pasricha to take a decision on the draft charge sheet against 14 policemen involved in the Khwaja Yunus case within four weeks.

The State CID had sought Mr. Pasricha's approval in August 2006 for filing the charge sheet against the policemen involved in the disappearance of Yunus, arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) in connection with the Ghatkopar bomb blasts case of December 2, 2002. The court said that nothing prevented the DGP from calling for case diaries and related papers and examining the matter after the CID's draft charge sheet was sent to him. It said it expected the State to treat the matter in all seriousness and take immediate action. The CID sent the draft charge sheet to Mr. Pasricha on August 25, but no decision was taken. The matter was referred to the State's Law department.

Yunus, a 27-year-old engineer who was working in Dubai, came for a holiday to Parbhani when he was arrested.

Police claim
He was interrogated by the Crime Branch and taken in a jeep to Ahmednagar on January 6-7, 2003. The police claim that he escaped after the vehicle met with an accident. However, he went missing after that.

Yunus' father, Sayyed Khwaja Ayub, alleged he was killed in police custody and filed a habeas corpus petition. After Ayub's death, Yunus' mother Aasiya Begum filed a petition in the High Court seeking compensation for the family. Counsel for the petitioner Mihir Desai submitted that Yunus' father died of shock after his son went missing.

In April 2004, the case was handed over to the CID. A fresh first information report was filed based on a statement of the co-accused Abdul Mateen.

Sangh Parivar, police blamed for Mangalore riots

Fact-finding team gets an impression of `severe polarisation of communities'
Team visited trouble-hit areas on Wednesday, Thursday
Demands a judicial inquiry by a sitting judge

Bangalore: A 40-member fact-finding team drawn from various parts of the country, which visited Mangalore and nearby areas, has held the Sangh Parivar and the local police responsible for the recent communal riots there.

Speaking to The Hindu on Friday on behalf of the team, G.K. Ramaswamy of the People's Democratic Forum said the team visited trouble-hit areas such as Ullal, B.C. Road, Thokkattu, Farangipet, Gudinabali and Suratkal, local hospitals, police stations, various local organisations and spoke to victims on October 18 and 19.

The team feels that the Sangh Parivar forces have gained strength after B. Nagaraja Shetty of the Bharatiya Janata Party took over as the district-in-charge Minister. It alleges that some "communal-minded" police officers, who were earlier transferred, were reinstated after Mr. Shetty took charge. They played "a significant role" in worsening the communal situation, according to the team.

Using the bandh as the pretext, Sangh Parivar forces targeted Muslims. Following this, the police ransacked the houses of Muslims and indiscriminately beat up and arrested people, especially in Ullal and Gudinabali, resulting in a "unilateral onslaught on the minority community," according to the team. This has resulted in Muslims losing faith in the police force and the administration in general, observes the team.

The team has demanded a judicial investigation, headed by a sitting judge, into the incidents within a specified timeframe. The other demands of the team include filing First Information Reports against erring police officials, dropping Mr. Shetty from the Ministry.

Members of the fact-finding team include Badhukwala of the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Baroda; C. Subbanna of the Human Rights Forum, Andhra Pradesh; Sudhakar and Kranti Chaitanya of the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee; Damayanti and Hari Babu of the Committee to Protect Civil Liberties, Tamil Nadu; T.S. Vivekananda and A. Selva of the PUCL-Karnataka; members of Pedestrian Pictures, Bangalore; Aravind Narain of the Alternative Law Forum; and independent intellectuals such as Yogindar Sikand, G. Rajashekar and Pattabhirama Somayaji.

Forum claims to have CD on police atrocities

Bangalore: Representatives of the Karnataka United Muslim Forum have said that they are in the possession of a video CD on the police atrocities during the recent Mangalore riots and are ready to give it to the State Government.Manzoor A.S., convener of the forum, said they would give the CD to the Government only if it promised to take stringent action against those involved in provoking the riots and targeting innocent persons. He alleged that Dakshina Kannada Superintendent of Police Dayanand and police officials, who were in charge of controlling the riots, failed to discharge their duties properly.

Boycotted Dalits -----`Help us live or give us poison'

Boycotted Dalits of Kadkol have none to fall back on
Suresh Bhat

`Help us live or give us poison'

UNCERTAIN FUTURE: Hit by hunger and disease, the children of Dalit families of Kadkol village in Bijapur district await justice

KADKOL (BIJAPUR DISTRICT): Seven year-old Chaitra and her younger sister Anjali have rashes all over their bodies. Their parents Sangappa Kanal and Yallavva believe the children have measles. Asked why they had not consulted a doctor, tears fill their eyes. "We hardly have enough food to feed them, how can we arrange money for medicines? They will survive if their fate is strong," says Sangappa.Sangappa's is one among around 80 Dalit families in Kadkol village of Basavanabagewadi taluk in Bijapur district against whom there is a social and economic boycott by caste Hindus. Most of the Dalits are agricultural labourers. They worked under the village landlords till the boycott was imposed on them on July 25, the day they dared collect water from the village tank. Before that they had no access to the tank, and non-Dalits used to pour water from it into their vessels. When at last they fought and gained access to it they lost all means of livelihood. The landlords, mostly caste Hindus, stopped giving them work. Shops and flourmills were shut for them. An undeclared restriction came into force at the doors of fair price shops under the public distribution system.

"Now, even if they open the shops and flourmills to us, we don't have either money to purchase essential commodities or cereals to grind," said an elderly woman.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Benefitting from insurance

question ; I was in a car accident that has paralyzed me and cannot afford treatment without insurance. Is it permissible to have insurance and to use it?

Answer : Praise be to Allaah. We ask Allaah to heal you and restore you to health, and to relieve your distress and hardship. If what is meant by submitting your papers to the insurance company is that you have health insurance, or intend to take out health insurance, you should note that this insurance is haraam, as is so-called life insurance, because the insurance policy in both cases involves ambiguity and a kind of gambling. This has been stated by the scholars in their fatwas.It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (15/297):
A – It is not permissible for the Muslim to insure himself against sickness, whether that is in a Muslim country or in a kaafir country, because that involves ambiguity and a kind of gambling.
B – It is not permissible for a Muslim to insure his life or all or some of his physical faculties, or to insure his wealth, possessions, cars and the like, whether that is in a Muslim country or in a kaafir country, because these are kinds of commercial insurance, which is haraam because it involves ambiguity and a kind of gambling. End quote.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Insurance means that a person pays a certain amount to the company each month or each year against an accident that may happen to the thing insured. It is known that the one who pays insurance is losing in all cases, and the insurance company may win or lose, because if the accident is very serious and costs more than the money paid by the customer, the company will lose, but if it is minor and costs less than the money paid by the customer, or if no accident happens at all, then the company will win and the customer will lose. This kind of contract – i.e., contracts in which a person may win or lose – is regarded as a kind of gambling which Allaah forbids in His Book and mentions alongside drinking alcohol and worshipping idols. Based on this, this kind of insurance is haraam.

I do not know of any kind of insurance based on ambiguity that is permissible, rather all kinds are haraam, because of the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade transactions based on ambiguity.
And Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: Life insurance is not permissible, because if the angel of death comes to the one whose life is insured, he cannot refer him to the insurance company. So this is a mistake and foolish misguidance, and it involves depending on this company instead of Allaah, because the person is depending on the company, if he dies, to take care of his heirs, which means depending on someone other than Allaah. This is akin to gambling, indeed it is gambling in a real sense, and in His Book Allaah mentions gambling alongside shirk, divination with arrows and alcohol. In the case of insurance, a man may pay money for years and years, and he may lose it, but if he dies soon the company may be the loser. All contracts in which there may be gains or losses are kinds of gambling.
Secondly: If you are forced to take out insurance and there is an accident, it is permissible for you to take from the insurance company the same amount as the payments you have made, but you should not take any more than that. If they force you to take it then you should donate it to charity. We advise you to fear Allaah and to turn to Him and make a lot of du’aa’, for anyone who turns to Him will never be disappointed.

And we remind you of the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever is stricken with poverty and turns to people for help, his needs will never be met, but whoever is stricken with poverty and turns to Allaah, Allaah will send him provision sooner or later.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2326; Abu Dawood, 1645. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi. And Allaah knows best.

‘Only a man can become UN chief’

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga said her candidacy to become the UN chief had no chance of succeeding because she is a woman, in an interview published on Sunday. Vike-Freiberga is one of six candidates to have pulled out of the running to become Kofi Annans successor as United Nations secretary-general. South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon, the only candidate left, is set to be formally endorsed as the new UN chief on Monday. The Latvian President, who led her country into the European Union and NATO, told a British weekly newspaper that she felt there was an old boys network operating at the UN. She insisted it was high time for a woman to fill the worlds top diplomatic post. "I hope my candidacy will make it easier," she told The Observer. "But whether it will take another 60 years or another 600, I have no way of knowing." Last Monday, Ban, 62, won a decisive fourth straw poll in the Security Council after securing crucial backing from its five veto-wielding permanent members. AFP








Circumcision may be the answer to Aids, says Clinton

Sarah Boseley in Toronto
Wednesday August 16, 2006
The Guardian

Bill Gates, his wife Melinda and Bill Clinton visit patients and staff at a HIV/Aids facility in Maseru, Lesotho, South Africa. Bill Clinton called for the world to prepare to tackle the cultural taboos surrounding circumcision yesterday if, as many expect, trials show that it protects men and the women they sleep with from Aids.
In a speech to the International Aids conference in Toronto, Canada, Mr Clinton said that if the trials had good results, there would be a major job of persuasion ahead. "Should this be shown to be effective, we will have another means to prevent the spread of the disease and to save lives, and we will have a big job to do," he said. "It is important that as we leave here we all be prepared for a green light that could have a staggering impact on the male population but that will be frankly a lot of trouble to get done."

The problems would be most obvious in India where Muslims are circumcised but Hindus are not, and the difference is associated with religious identity. During sectarian violence, men have been known to pull down each other's trousers as a means of identifying friend from enemy.
In Africa studies have shown that men are willing to be circumcised if it can be shown to be protective against HIV. There is excitement about the potential for circumcision in preventing Aids. Last year researchers from South Africa and France announced that in a trial of 3,274 men from near Johannesburg randomly chosen either to be circumcised or not, those who underwent the procedure had a 60% lower risk of acquiring HIV afterwards than those who did not.
Three further studies are under way in Kenya and Uganda, according to a report published yesterday at the conference by the Global HIV Prevention Working Group. They are looking at different age groups of men and ways of carrying out the circumcision operation. One of the trials is following 7,000 women in Uganda to see whether they are less likely to get HIV if their partners have been circumcised. The results are expected next year.
The potential for preventing HIV through circumcision was one of the interventions spoken of with most hope in Toronto this week.
The knowledge to stop the pandemic exists, Mr Clinton said, and must be used.


Expert urges circumcision to combat AIDS

Sunday, 25 September , 2005, 22:11

Cape Town: A South African AIDS expert Saturday advocated male circumcision as the best available "vaccine" against the virus in his country, where an estimated 6 million people are infected and more than 600 people die every day.
Francois Venter told a congress of health activists in the Treatment Action Campaign that a recent survey in the Soweto township indicated that circumcised men were 65 percent less likely to contract AIDS than those who had not been circumcised.
"We dream of a vaccine which has this efficacy," said Venter, clinical director of the Reproductive Health and HIV Research at the University of Witwatersrand. "The results are phenomenal."
The association between circumcision and a reduced risk of HIV was noted as early as 1987, when Dr William Cameron of the University of Manitoba in Canada reported findings from a study in Kenya. Some researchers in early studies have said they believe cells in the foreskin may be particularly susceptible to infection.
Venter urged the Treatment Action Campaign, an influential movement of 13,000 activists, to consider promoting circumcision as a vital prevention tool, given that existing methods were failing to slow the spread of the epidemic.
South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. Nearly 30 percent of pregnant women are infected, according to a health department survey published in July, and in the hardest hit province of KwaZuluNatal this rises to 41 percent. The disease is now one of the main causes of death among young adults and infants.
Some traditional communities in South Africa practice circumcision, but there are calls for tighter medical controls to limit health risks from blunt and contaminated instruments.
Zackie Achmat, an AIDS activist said the congress - which meets every two years - would debate whether to encourage mass circumcision.
Achmat, who is HIV positive, said much more needed to be done on prevention. He said that even though government distribution of condoms increased from one million in 1994 to 40 million in 2004, this still only amounted to 35 condoms per sexually active male per year.
He said that 73 percent of young people without the virus believed that they were not at risk of catching, and 62 percent of young people with the virus also believed there was no risk.
Achmat criticized the government's record on treatment. Of the 500,000 people who need AIDS therapy, only 76,000 are currently receiving it through the public health sector.Achmat has for years attacked the government for doing too little too late against the AIDS epidemic. In a sign of the mutual antagonism, health ministry officials refused invitations to attend the congress.
Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang has repeatedly voiced doubts about the safety and efficacy of antiretrovirals, instead stressing the benefits of a diet heavy in garlic, lemon and olive oil.
The Soweto study, was conducted by French researchers between 2002 and 2005 with more than 3,000 healthy, sexually active males between 18 and 24. About half the volunteers were circumcised by medical
professionals, and the rest remained uncircumcised.

All the men received counseling on AIDS prevention. But after 21 months, 51 members of the uncircumcised group had contracted HIV, the AIDS virus, while only 18 members of the circumcised group had gotten the disease.
The World Health Organization and UNAIDS welcomed the results of the study, released at a conference in Brazil in July, but says that more trials should be conducted before circumcision can be recommended as a preventive method.
A study conducted by the US National Health Institute involving 5,000 individuals is now under way in Uganda.

Associated Press


Monday, October 09, 2006



a bbc post


Sunday, October 08, 2006



Danish Video Sparks Fresh Outrage

Saeed Al-Abyad, Arab News

JEDDAH, 8 October 2006 — The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) yesterday said it will demand an explanation from the Danish government for the state TV’s broadcasting of a video mocking the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Danish state TV on Friday aired amateur video footage showing a number of members of the anti-immigrant Danish Peoples’ Party (DPP) at a summer camp in August drinking, singing and engaging in a competition to draw humiliating images of the Prophet.A source at the 57-member OIC said the group will try to “find out the reasons behind the repeated ridiculing of the Prophet in Denmark” and warned that the incident would have dangerous repercussions.The OIC reacted to the latest outrage as Muslim leaders in Denmark condemned the screening of the video, but said they would not be goaded into taking action.

In September last year Danish daily Jyllands-Posten published cartoons, including one showing the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. Muslims denounced them as blasphemous, sparking protests early this year in which more than 50 people died in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.“Against the background of the problems earlier, we have to be careful,” said Ahmed Abu-Laban, a Copenhagen imam who helped organize a trip to Egypt and Lebanon last year to rally support among Muslim leaders for protests against those drawings.“This time it’s a different situation. Of course it’s deplorable, but we all know the attitude the DPP has toward Muslims and Islam and these pictures were never intended for publication,” he said.

Abu-Laban said he regretted the Danish TV’s decision to air the footage saying it raised ethical questions. “We’ve been working very hard to resolve the problems since the conflict earlier this year.”Yildiz Akdogan, spokeswoman for Democratic Muslims, a pro-integration group formed in the aftermath of the protests against the cartoons in February, said she was glad other parties had condemned the actions. “I think the events are too stupid and too absurd to provoke demonstrations or other actions from Muslims,” she said. “Of course it’s not a good thing and definitely does not make building bridges any easier, but I hope it won’t have any lasting effect.”Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood condemned the video. “The Muslim Brotherhood denounces this repetition of acts (hostile to Islam) in the West and calls on Muslims to defend their religion in this sacred month” of Ramadan, a statement said. It called for a boycott of products from countries that “permit these sort of acts,” for peaceful protests and for international legislation banning such “attacks.


"But Straw’s “constructive observations about veils have sparked an absurd overreaction from some Muslims for whom even the mildest criticism of any aspect of their religion amounts to a declaration of war.”Several newspapers said Straw, 60, a skilled diplomat and experienced politician, representing a town with a significant Muslim minority, was just the sort of carefully-worded man who could launch such a topic.The Times newspaper said “community relations might be improved by genuine face-to-face contact,” adding that the veil “precludes a basic form of human contact in a way which the Sikh turban or the Buddhist robe” does not.The Daily Telegraph said Straw had “touched a raw nerve” by focusing on such an emblematic symbol of Muslim life but that “integration can’t be achieved behind the veil.


'True Muslims can't sing Vande Mataram'

'True Muslims can't sing Vande Mataram'
[ 5 Sep, 2006 2107hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK

SURAT: "No Muslim can sing 'Vande Mataram' if he considers himself to be a true believer," said Maulana Mahmood Madani, general secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, New Delhi, during his visit to the city on Tuesday. Madani also accused the Gujarat government of not providing support to Muslim educational trusts in the state.

Madani, who is also a member of the Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh, from the Rashtriya Lok Dal, was on a visit here to get an idea of flood and relief work done by Surat City Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind (SCJUH).

Madani said, "Any Muslim singing 'Vande Mataram' will not be considered a Muslim."

According to Madani, all madrasas and minority institutions will follow the instructions and will not participate in the singing. "Muslims don't have a problem if it is voluntary, but some political parties are insisting on making it compulsory, which is objectionable," said Madani. "Political parties are raising the issue and creating a controversy for vested interests", he added.

When asked about the low literacy rate among Muslims, particularly in the south Gujarat region and measures taken by Jamiat in this regard, Madani said, "Jamiat and its related organisations are trying to impart education among Muslims, but we are not getting help from the state government in Gujarat. I have received complaints from some minority educational trusts that the state government is not approving grants and expansion plans."


RSS sets up Defence Army in Tribal India

From John Dayal 25 May 2004 New Delhi

RSS prepares village cadres for conversion of tribals to Hinduism; sets up `Defence Army'

The extremist Hindutva Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its frontal organisation Dharma Jagran Vibhag (religious awakening department) have decided to set up 21-member youth cadres in every village of the tribal Chhatisgarh state in Central India called the Raksha Sena or Defence Army, ostensibly to check conversions to Christianity.

The cadre is being set up under the patronage of Dilip Singh Judeo, who was made Forest minister by former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee for leading his coercive and often violent Ghar Wapsi (Return Home) movement to convert Tribal Christians in India's central forest belt to Hinduism.At its peak, the Ghar Wapsi movement consisted of armed men, many of them from outside the state, and most of them non tribal upper caste activists, forcibly rounding up tribal villagers into camps where Judeo and other would wash their feet, while gunmen and bow-men watched, and tell them they were now Hindus. This is well documented in a famed documentary Fishers of men by R K Kamath, a documentary maker from Mumbai. Subsequent researched by eminent Chhatisgarh activist Adv Rajendra Sail, All India Christian Council's John Dayal and others have exposed the hollowness and criminality of the Ghar Wapsi movement.

Although no official data is available, reports say from 5,000 to 20,000 one time Christian tribals may have been converted to Hinduism, often under duress, in the four central Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand in the last five years. There have been sporadic Ghar Wapsi activities in Gujarat and Orissa too, but the Sangh Parivar has not claimed credit for any significant conversion, an instance of the unpopularity of the movement.

There is however considerable concern in secular circles over the developments. In the last assembly elections, the four states of Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh have voted out the Congress governments and voted in the right swing Hindu nationalist and fundamentalist Bharatiya Janata Party. The BJP is in firm control of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand, and in Orissa it rules with its ally, the Biju Janata Dal. These four states are the home ground and laboratory of the infamous Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, funded largely by Non-resident Indians in the United Kingdom and the United states, with its programmes of distribution of anti Muslim and anti Christian literature, setting up of Hanuman and Shiv temples and the distribution of tridents, or trishuls.

Giving details of the new Sena, or army, the RSS mouthpiece Organiser said the May meeting in Chhatisgarh capital Raipur decided to set up Shiva and Hanuman temples in every village where pooja, or worship ceremonies, will be performed every day.Judeo told the meeting that his movement had forced Christians to do a rethink. Giving details of the formation of the new army, the RSS mouthpiece The Organiser said, "The Sena will target four fronts - religious awakening, social sanskaras, economic prosperity and social security." The meeting also decided "to construct Shiva and Hanuman temples in every village, where pooja will be performed every day."Judeo said the Ghar Wapsi operations should continue, "notwithstanding the problem that might come," in reference to the change of government in New Delhi.

Judeo said the "Dharma Sena was the need of the day as it could play and important role in the Ghar Wapsi programme.Judeo claimed his movement had forced Christian nuns to give up their white habits and switch over to saffron saris. He called upon the Sainiks, or soldiers, "to move into the interior parts of the country to check religious conversions" to Christianity.


Girls take to prostitution to pay fees

Girls take to prostitution to pay fees
[ 8 Oct, 2006 1035hrs ISTPTI ]
LONDON: An increasing number of female students in the UK are resorting to prostitution or other jobs in the sex industry to pay rising university tuition fees, a study claimed on Sunday.

Research by Kingston University in southwest London suggested that there has been a 50 per cent rise in numbers over the past six years in such cases.
In a survey that asked 130 students whether they knew any friends involved in the sex industry, one in ten said that they knew of students who had stripped, lapdanced or worked at massage parlours and escort agencies to support themselves. Just over 6 per cent said that they knew students who worked as prostitutes, The Sunday Times said, quoting the survey. The academics found that alcohol and mental problems led some women into stripping and lap-dancing. But those resorting to prostitution were simply working to earn money, it said.

University tuition fees, first introduced in 1998 at 1,000 pounds (over Rs 85,000) a year, have risen to 3,000 pounds this year at all but a few universities.
The average student loan at graduation last year was 8,948 pounds, but Nat West Bank said that once private debt was factored in, students now in their first year could expect to graduate with liabilities of more than 14,700 pounds.

Dr Ron Roberts, a health psychologist who was the lead author of the study, said: "Our figures represent a 50 per cent increase in the prevalence rates for student prostitution since 2000... given the increasing financial problems experienced by students, this is in line with what we would predict."A spokesman for Universities UK emphasized that the institutions provided support services for students in trouble, but "students are responsible adults and we treat them as such".

The tuition fees were 3,000 pounds this year. According to a 2004 study, clients spend about 534 million pounds a year on prostitutes, almost as much as Britons spend on going to the movies.The average cost per encounter was 55 pounds, more in London. The study quoted a London escort saying she had been working in the industry since 1999 to support herself through a Master's degree and now a doctorate in international politics.
"In the agency lounge, we all had our books or our laptops," said the escort, who would be identified only as Sophie. "We were all studying at night, then would take breaks to go out with the guys." Sophie said that she could sometimes earn 2,000 pounds for a full night's work in 1999, but now competition had driven earnings down, while tuition fees had gone up. "Instead of working at McDonald's or shops for 8 pounds an hour," Sophie said, "sometimes it is easier to work in this industry, make more money quickly, pay the rent and have time to do your reading."

Internet adverts for escort agencies and massage parlours boast of having "college girls" on their books. Sophie said: "If clients are willing to pay up to 350 pounds an hour, it's because they don't want a bimbo. They want a conversation as well as sex."Gemma Tumelty, president of the National Union of Students, warned that students in the sex industry were vulnerable to abuse.

from times of india

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Burial Of Innocence

Burial Of Innocence
How the CBI nailed the army's claims on the Pathribal encounter


Security forces operating in the Kashmir Valley are familiar with the term 'white terrorism'. For the average Kashmiri, it is a form of state-sponsored action with the tacit approval of the authorities to ensure that "the right message goes out". The skewed idea is to keep the local population terrorised so that they do not extend any help to militants.

Was the killing of five civilians in the early hours of March 25, 2000, by the army following the Chitsinghpura Sikh massacre a case of white terrorism? The chargesheet filed by the CBI, after three years of investigation, raises serious questions about the army's role and the shocking cover-up. The sordid tale in a nutshell is that on the eve of President Bill Clinton's visit, militants struck at Chitsinghpura on May 20, killing 36 Sikhs. Five days later, the army responded by gunning down five villagers in Pathribal, Anantnag district, and passing them off as the militants responsible for the May 20 attack.

The CBI chargesheet, accessed by Outlook, exposes the institutional efforts of the army to cover up the incident and to protect the guilty. A series of letters and documents annexed to the chargesheet show that at every stage army headquarters and its lower formations refused to cooperate with the CBI. The army top brass tried to shield the officers involved from being prosecuted by a civilian agency. But what has also angered many is the fact that the army chose to promote all the accused even while the investigation was on.

Here are some of the documents in the CBI chargesheet:
An official letter to the CBI signed by Brigadier Bikram Singh, on behalf of the then vice-chief of army staff (No. A/38240/MO3A), dated December 31, 2004, states that the officers cannot be prosecuted because they are protected under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (J&K), 1990. The Act provides immunity from prosecution for actions undertaken in disturbed areas.
A communique to the agency from Major Vinay Bali of Sector 1 Headquarters, Rashtriya Rifles (RR), (No. 1001/P/GS (OPS)), dated July 28, 2003, claims that it is difficult to find the names of the individuals who took part in the Pathribal operation.
A note from Sector 1 RR Headquarters (Letter No 241/1/GS (Ops)) is categoric that Pathribal was a joint police-military operation. This was subsequently denied by the then Anantnag SSP Farook Khan who told the CBI that the battalion conducted the operation after they received intelligence inputs from their own sources.
Codenamed 'Operation Swift', the encounter was conducted by the 7th battalion of the Rashtriya Rifles (RR). The army maintains that the operation was planned after 7 RR received specific inputs from SSP Khan. So far the CBI has named five army personnel in its chargesheet—Colonel Ajay Saxena, Major Brajendra Pratap Singh, Major Sourabh Sharma, Subedar Idrees Khan and Major Amit Saxena.

In a detailed reconstruction of events, the chargesheet records that five local residents were reported missing soon after the encounter. They were Zahoor Ahmed Dalal, Bashir Ahmed Bhat, Mohammed Yousouf Malik and two by name of Juma Khan. Strangely enough, most of their deaths were attributed to severe burns, not bullet injuries. Zahoor died due to 98 per cent burns. The doctors who conducted a post-mortem on the exhumed bodies also recorded that Malik's body was found without the head and the left hand.

All five were disfigured beyond recognition and after several false starts, including reports of samples being tampered with, it was finally established that they were local villagers.

So, were the bodies deliberately burnt to avoid identification? The CBI points out several glaring discrepancies in the claims made by the army:
The 'after action' report of the army states that a local, Mohammed Yusuf Wagey, had given information on March 24, 2000, about the hideout of the militants responsible for the Chitsinghpura massacre. However, the names that Wagey provided do not match with the people killed.
The army claimed that three of the five killed were Pakistanis. The dna reports prove that all five were local residents. This, the CBI says, "is indicative of a preconceived notion with a view to justify the alleged encounter."
The CBI claims there is ample evidence and witnesses to show that the five men were abducted and later evidence was destroyed deliberately.
The CBI found it "highly improbable that RR personnel used such a huge amount of ammunition against five unarmed civilians. This was done to create a false impression of an encounter".
Strangely, nobody from the army suffered any injuries in the operation.
A typed memo of the encounter submitted by the army authorities raises several questions. The CBI says such a typed memo couldn't have been prepared at the site of the encounter if it was genuine. The CBI believes it was prepared much later as a cover-up.
The copy of the seizure memo submitted on April 4, 2000, and the voucher submitted to the police on August 8, 2000, when the seized weapons were handed over, contradict each other. The seizure memo submitted does not mention any damage to the five AK-47 rifles allegedly recovered from the 'militants', but the voucher to the police points to damages. Very clearly this was done because if the 'militants' were charred beyond recognition, then how could their weapons be intact? This, the CBI says, is "manipulation".
Finally, the testimony of inspector Mukesh Kumar of the J&K Police stf that none of the photographs or particulars of the actual militants matched the dead bodies of the villagers.
Despite such serious charges, the army continues to remain tight-lipped. The accused officers have written to army HQ protesting their innocence—their wives have written to defence minister Pranab Mukherjee. The army is keen the trial is conducted in a military court martial. That alone might ensure that some gory facts remain buried. Meanwhile, five families in Pathribal wait in the hope that justice will be done.

Immune To The Law

The army says civil laws cannot apply to it

In January this year, army headquarters wrote to home secretary V.K. Duggal requesting the home ministry to sensitise the civil administration. It stressed that army personnel involved in counter-insurgency operations cannot be prosecuted for human rights violations without the sanction of the central government. The letter written by the military operations directorate quotes relevant sections of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (J&K), 1990, to say that military personnel cannot be prosecuted for acts done in the discharge of official duty.

"We are coming to a point where our local units are being asked to cooperate in cases of human rights violation allegations to such an extent that it is becoming detrimental to our operational preparedness," a senior army officer told Outlook.

Army officials also say the Pathribal killings had a context. "The unit 7 RR is affiliated to the Punjab regiment with more than 50 per cent Sikhs. Imagine their state of mind after Chitsinghpura," says a senior army officer. However, the CBI has a different take: "The killing of innocent persons in a fake encounter cannot be construed as official duty". Which is why the investigating agency filed its chargesheet in a Srinagar court without consulting the Centre.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tale of two crimes


The two stories of crime and punishment that shook Mumbai in recent years could not have been more different. The irony is that the second was a fall-out of the first, but those who committed the first crime roam free, while those who retaliated have been convicted. What explains this contrasting response to the two crimes: The Mumbai riots of December 1992-January 1993, and the March 12, 1993 bomb blasts, which were described by police officers in charge of the investigations ‘as a retaliation to the riots’? Special public prosecutor in the blasts case, Ujjwal Nikam, dismissed these comparisons, saying that convictions are difficult in riot cases because it’s hard to trace the accused. His views are not borne out by facts. In many cases, victims had told the police the names of the assailants, because the latter were long-time residents of their neighbourhoods. Some had even supplied the addresses of the rioters. But the police ignored these clues and chose to close many of these cases as ‘true but undetected’. More than 60 per cent of the riot cases were thus closed. In the blasts case, on the other hand, the police could hardly be faulted for apathy. The Centre ordered a special investigation team, under the supervision of then joint commissioner of police M N Singh. Some of the most respected officers traced down the accused systematically. The anti-terrorism TADA Act was applied to the case from the very beginning, and the police went after the suspects with determination. Arresting entire families only because they were related to the main accused, stripping the men in front of their daughters and daughters-in-law, religious taunts, molestation and assault — all this became routine. In one case, NHRC ordered the Maharashtra government to take action against 11 policemen, from senior SP to constable, and pending that, pay interim relief of Rs 5,00,000 to an Alibag family who had been wrongly picked up and tortured. The NHRC based its order not on the findings of any human rights activist, but on a CID inquiry ordered by the sessions court. All this was public knowledge, but Sharad Pawar’s government (like all governments) put its weight behind its police force. When these investigations were proceeding full scale, a large part of Mumbai’s population was trying to pick up the pieces of lives shattered by the worst riots to have hit the city: 900 dead, 2,036 injured. Again, it was public knowledge that Dawood Ibrahim had bombed Mumbai to avenge the unprecedented targeting of Muslims in these very riots, by mobs instigated by Bal Thackeray and the RSS, with the police playing no small role. Pawar, always a grass-roots leader, did not need the Srikrishna Commission report to tell him this five years later. Yet, no instructions were given to the police to investigate the riot offences thoroughly, no special team formed, no special PP appointed. It was not as though Pawar and successive governments were not reminded of their duty by citizens who moved court in the belief that the law must apply equally to all. Whether in Bombay high court or Supreme Court, successive state governments have defended the police’s inaction during the riots, by claiming that Thackeray was not guilty at all, or by giving a similar clean chit to policemen and rioters indicted by an inquiry commission headed by a sitting high court judge. A special task force, headed by the same man who now heads the state’s antiterrorist squad, spent three years reopening just five of 1,358 closed riot cases, and ensured that not a single serving policeman indicted by Justice B N Srikrishna spent even an hour in a lock-up. Contrast this with the years in jail spent by the blast accused. Perhaps statistics can explain the contrasting ways in which the same state treated the two sets of crimes: 575 Muslims were killed in the riots, and 275 Hindus; in the blasts, all the 257 killed were Hindus. In the few riot cases that were registered and tried, convictions were not just abysmally low, but only Muslims were convicted (these convictions were set aside by the Supreme Court). Though Hindus were charged, even under TADA, no Hindu has been convicted in any riots case. The writer is a political commentator .


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

'Is police paid to arrest Muslims?

'Is police paid to arrest Muslims? 'Mateen Hafeez

[ 19 Sep, 2006 0046hrs IST TIMES NEWS NETWORK ]

MUMBAI: Sisters of Shahnawaz Qureshi have got a lot of questions for the system. Qureshi is accused number 29 in the 1993 blasts was convicted of planting explosives at Plaza theatre, which killed 10 and injured 37. "The police caught our brother and the court convicted him. But what about those involved in riots, raping Muslim women, killing innocent boys, demolishing the Babri Masjid? What have the police done about all that?" Najma, the eldest of 12 siblings, asked. The sisters work as domestic helps. They also double up as zari weavers in their spare time. Their parents passed away — it was "trauma", the sisters said on Monday — and Qureshi went without a lawyer as the family had no money. All the family members justify Quereshi's act. "Where was the government when hundreds of Muslims were killed in Surat, Mumbai, women raped and our mosque demolished? "Four of our relatives were killed in the riots. Is the police paid to arrest Muslims only?" another sister, Parveen, asked.

ORIGINALLY POSTED ONhttTp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/2004041.cms



Israeli girls write messages on bombs ready to be fired at targets in southern Lebanon.


1) Al-Ameen Charitable fund Trust super tannery (I) Ltd.,
Jajmau Road, Jajmau, Kanpur-208010 (U P)
Scheme:Post metric Scholarship for higher education

2) Al-Ameen Scholarships
UG-12, Essel House, 10-Asaf Ali Road,
New Delhi-110002 OR
76A/1: Okhla Main Bazar, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi-110025
Tel: 26845691, Fax: 26839968
Scheme:scholarship for students securing more than 50% marks in 9th and 10th standards. Girls studying from 5th standard my also be considered.

3) All India Talent Identification and Promotion Test
#7, SRK Garden, Jaya Nagar (E), Bangalore-41.

4) Crescent Educational Foundation,
B 61, C K Road, Chanpatana, Bangalore, Karnataka
E-mail: crescent@asia.com
Tel: 91807251143/54443
Mob: 91 9844143530
(Students from Chanpatana city only)]
scheme: scholarships for professional courses

5) Central Wakf Council
14/173, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110011
Tel: 23384465
Fax: 23070881
E-mail: central_wakf_council@vsnl.net
Web: www.wbmdfc.org/wakf/index.html
Scheme: scholarship to students of B.E, MBBS, BDS, BSc, AMDSc(Alig.),MBA, MSc, LLB

6) Dawodbhoy Fazalbhoy Muslim Educational Trust
42, Ibrahim Md. Merchant Road, Dhadah Khadak,

7) G B K Charitable Trust
Giyasudheen Babukhan,
G B K Charitable Trust, Begum Pet, Hyderabad
Scheme: poor students studying MBBS, BDS, Pharmacy, BE,M.TECH, LLB, MCA, MA, M.COM, B.ED, M.ED, PHD, Nursing, Polytechnic, Graduation, Inter, TTC,

8) H E H The Nizam Charitable Trust,
Haveli Manjil Begum, Shah Ali Banda,

9) Hamdard Educational Society,
Talimabad, Sangam Vihar,
New Delhi-110062
Tel: 011-6085063, 6085064
E-mail: inquiry@jamiahamdard.edu

10) Hashmi Human Resources Development Society
Qazi Zada, Amroha- 244221, U P.
Tel: 05922-262417
E-mail: info@hashmi.com ; info@hashmitrust.com
Web: http://www.hashmitrust.com/

1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002
Tel: 23311455, 3317729
Scheme: Mujahid Millat Educational Scholarship to meritorious students seeking admission to Engineering, MCA and Chartered Accountant.

12) King Faisal Foundation
Programs and Research Dept.,
Physical Adddress: KFF Building, King Fahad road Olaya,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tel: + 966-1-465-2255
Postal Address: P.O.Box 352, Riyadh- 11411

13)Moulana Azad Education Foundation,
Social justice Service Centre,
Mahila Imdad Committee,
Opp. New Delhi Railway Station Centre,
Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110055
Tel: 011-23583788, 23583789

14) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
Room.No.1, 9th Floor, 25 Jeevan Prakash Building,
Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel: 91-11-23765004

15) Muslim Association for the Advancement of Science,
The Darul Fikr 44, Ahmad Nagar, Dodhpur,
Tel: 0571 2701209

16) Muslim Educational Trust
E-23, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla,
New Delhi-110025
(only students from UP, MP, Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western states)
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, MCA, BCA, chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy.

17) Muslim Hands 148-164,
Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 5GE,
United Kingdom
E-mail: contact@muslimhands.org
Web- http://www.muslimhands.org/
Scheme: Applications from overseas Muslim students to study in U K are occasionally considered by the Trust.

18) Muslim India Education and Cultural Trust,
The Ehsan House Road 6B, Rajendar Nagar,
Patna -800016 OR
Mr. Syed Shahabuddin, IPS (Retd), Ex MP
N-44, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar
New Delhi-110025
Tel: 26326780
Scheme: Grant in aid for higher and professional courses, coaching for civil services and admission to medical/engineering colleges, for Muslim students.

19) Muslim World League,
Secretariat General Education Affair,
No. 40, PO.Box 537,
Makkah-Al-Mukarramah, K S A
Tel: 5422733
Criteria: Recommendation from either a person or an organization trusted by Rabita. Non receipt of scholarship from any other institution
Scheme: Scholarship for Graduate program in Arabic or Islamic Course holding a general Secondary School certificate or its equivalent.

20) National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
Taimoor Nagar, Opp D 996, New Friends Colony,
New Delhi-110065
Tel: 011-26326051/57/58/59
Web: ndmfc.org

21) Students Islamic Trust/ Islamic Development Bank
E-3, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi-110025
Tel: 26927004
E-mail: sitdelhi@rediffmail.com
Web: http://www.sit-india.org/

22) Daily Star, 103, St.Jhon’s Church Road,
(I D B Scholarship for poor Muslim students)

Jailing Iraq veteran puts focus on combat stress

Jailing Iraq veteran puts focus on combat stress


Audrey Gillan
Irish Guard gets seven years after police say he threatened to `spray them down' with stolen rifles.
· Lance Corporal James Piotrowski was affected by the `horrors of war'
· Family blames the army, says it will go in appeal.

BRITISH POLICE vehicles slammed into the front, back and side of the blue Ford Focus. Lance Corporal James Piotrowski was pulled from the driver's seat, pinned to the ground and handcuffed. Two high-velocity SA80 rifles had gone missing from the headquarters of the Irish Guards at Wellington barracks in central London and police believed the soldier had one. A nationwide hunt for the Iraq war veteran was launched, until military police located one of the rifles in pieces under his bed in a PlayStation box.
The other weapon and Piotrowski were still missing. Police claimed the soldier, then 21, made this telephone threat: "You know I have the other one. I am on the way home and if I find any coppers there I'm going to spray you down ... I'm going to spray you."
Snipers were stationed on the roof of Bournville Lane police station in Birmingham, and streets around the Northfield area of the city were sealed off. Piotrowski's face was projected on to the wall of police HQ with the word "wanted" alongside. His mother and 17-year-old sister were arrested and detained under the Terrorism Act for 30 hours. Finally, in November 2004, he was tracked down.
On Monday, he was sentenced to seven years and four months in prison. The judge advocate, Jack Bayliss, sitting with a five-member military panel, said he was a "highly manipulative young man." He was stripped of his rank and dismissed from the army.
The judge said: "Given the psychiatric reports we have read, the court regards you as a dangerous offender." He added that if the court had had the power, the soldier would have faced an indeterminate sentence in the public interest. He had received a weapon "of a lethality that no other members of the community have access to, that are capable of lethal fire at a very high velocity, that are designed with no other purpose than to kill people."
Ignominious outcome
It was an ignominious outcome for a soldier who when he joined the army aged 18 four years ago was assessed as being "fit, strong, mentally strong, showing everything was going for him" and was named top recruit of his year. When the Iraq war began in 2003 he was put into the frontline of the invasion.
In a character reference read to the court, Colour Sergeant Butler said: "I received regular reports on his performance [in Iraq] and noted that his bravery and professionalism again stood out compared to his peers. Throughout the period of time, L/Cpl Piotrowski served his country with pride, loyalty and passion. Although young he struck me as a man of great potential, one who if he had continued to perform to his initial potential would have reached the very top of his chosen profession."
But on his return from Iraq, Piotrowski quickly went off the rails, going on the run in November 2004. Lawyers argued in his defence that he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). His solicitor advocate, Justin Hugheston-Roberts, said all Piotrowski had ever wanted to be was a soldier but that the "horrors of war" had affected him. He said: "He's no longer the invincible, bullet-proof Rambo. He is now, I suppose, almost a mere boy, who has suffered and seen things many of us in this court wouldn't want to go anywhere near." Taking the rifle "was a crass and stupid act and there's genuine and real contrition," he added.
Piotrowski's family also says he is suffering from PTSD. It claims that the sights he saw during his three-month tour, from January to April 2003, turned him into a thug who only felt secure with a weapon by his side. The family said on Monday that it would appeal.
An army doctor said in a report that he "certainly describes a number of post-traumatic symptoms but I am not convinced he fulfils the full criteria for PTSD."
A leading specialist in the field of combat stress, Dafydd Alun Jones, was more definitive in his assessment of the soldier, concluding that Piotrowski had been suffering from PTSD. Dr. Jones said: "I have seen many ex-servicemen suffering similar conditions who feel naked and apprehensive without some weapon on their person or within access. This is the process underlying the possession of the rifle in this case."
However, this diagnosis was rejected unanimously by the court martial, which pointed out that if this was the case the rifle would not have been broken down into pieces.
Disturbing figures
The debate over whether his behaviour can be put down to the trauma he faced in Iraq is likely to continue. But he is not the only soldier to claim that he suffered mentally as a result of the invasion. Figures given to the Commons put the number of servicemen and women who have suffered mental problems as a result of their experience in Iraq at 1,333 between January 2003 and September 2005.
Of those, 182 have been found to be suffering from PTSD, while 601 are judged to have adjustment disorder or, in lay terms, combat stress. A further 237 are classified as suffering from depression and 167 suffer other forms of mental illness or substance misuse. Experts in the field of combat stress say this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the army and soldiers themselves are often reluctant to admit to its existence.
Since his arrest for stealing the guns, the army has denied that Piotrowski is suffering from PTSD. Instead, its own doctors have declared that he is in fact psychotic, so he was detained under the Mental Health Act at Cheadle Royal hospital, a private clinic in Cheshire. After treatment there, he again escaped from the custody of the army and made his own way to Ty Gwyn, a clinic in Llandudno, north Wales, that specialises in the treatment of veterans suffering from combat stress.
The clinic, which was run by Dr. Jones, has since closed owing to lack of funding. After two days at the clinic, Royal Military police officers arrested Piotrowski there and returned him to Colchester prison. However, it was forced to return him to Ty Gwyn, where he was treated for seven months by Dr. Jones.
On Monday a former officer with the Irish Guards said: "Piotrowski was a perfectly nice guy. Having been to Iraq, I know it does have an effect on you. It was only last summer that I got over Iraq and I think I am a reasonably well-balanced person and I have a good support structure. Others aren't so fortunate. The army could be slightly more robust, use outside organisations and look after its people a bit better. If they did that, there wouldn't be so many cases of PTSD."
James' father, Mark Piotrowski, claims the army has failed his son, who had complained of his "head exploding" long before the rifles went missing. He said: "The army has constantly said that my son is blagging. They now say he is psychotic, but if this is the case why wasn't this picked up before?"
His mother, Debbie Higgins, said: "They took them off to war then washed their hands of them. They turn them into a robot. James lived and breathed the army, why would he steal a rifle and go on the run? He had been promoted to corporal within 12 months. His head is a mess because of Iraq and the army won't take responsibility for it."
- Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006


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